Sunday 21 March 2010

Happy Birthday Mr Broderick!


In celebration of Matthew Broderick's birthday here is a clip from one of his most loved films, Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Released in 1986, this is one of the most iconic scenes, shot in central Chicago, and featuring many of the city's landmarks. I think the reason it's so loved is everyone has wanted to bunk school at one point or another and how Ferris manages to pull it of in such a spectacular fashion just makes us all envious, and also adds to the "repeatability factor" of the film, I for one could watch it weekly and not get bored of his shenanigans. Enough of me jabbering on. Enjoy!

Capt. America to be played by the Human Torch?


Tying in nicely to my post on Iron Man and The Avengers Initiative, today it has been leaked that a potential for the role of Captain America and the subsequent spin-offs is none other than Chris Evans. No, not the ginger douchebag off the radio, but the actor who portrayed Johnny Storm in another Marvel flick, Fantastic 4.
Many including myself were expecting a relatively unknown actor to fill the shoes of the first Avenger, although many actors have been rumoured to be connected to the role including the likes of The Office joker John Krasinski, and Ryan Phillippe. Although I do wonder about Everyman Krasinski being able to portray one of America's most iconic superhero's, whilst the same can be said of Phillippe who stand's at a mere 5'9'' and so far his largest claim to fame so far is starring in teen slasher flick I Know What You Did Last Summer, and marrying Reese Witherspoon of course...

Evans, Phillippe and Krasinski, all rumoured for the part.

So maybe Evans isn't such a bad idea, having superhero experience under his belt already, although no doubt it's going to ruffle a few feather of some of the more hardcore fans.
Personally I'm more excited about the prospect of Hugo Weaving playing the baddy- Redskull. Hopefully there will be lots of wordy monologues for Hugo to lecture the Captain with, because we all know he's fantastic at them.

Friday 19 March 2010

Foxx to play psychotic computer game character?

Today it was unofficially announced that Jamie Foxx will be playing Lynch alongside Bruce Willis in the screen adaptation of Kane and Lynch. this has created a lot of hoopla on movie discussion boards across the web, as the Foxx steps into the shoes of a psychotic, middle-aged, lank haired white man.

Kane and Foxx

Many argue that he is completely wrong for the role, and that aesthetically it will not work. However i must say I'm more worried about a computer game being made to film as, so far, these conversions have been pretty dire. I give you Hitman, any of the Mortal Kombat films, I would say Resident Evil but all I remember from that is Milla Jovovich and Slipknot being on the soundtrack. Pokemon. The list goes on...

Michael Clarke Duncan played the usually white Kingpin rather well in what was an otherwise very average Daredevil. Who can forget Morgan Freeman playing the Irish "Red" in Shawshank? Sure his colour was different from the book but Freeman was nominated for an oscar for his performance, whilst i can't imagine a better cast actor for the role.

Duncan and Kingpin

What these online movie buffs should be worrying about is whether yet another shitty film is going to be made from computer game source material, not who's is going to be starring in it...
thursday 18-03-2010

I have just finished watching the Iron Man 2 trailer for about the 50th time. I’m incredibly excited to see Favreau’s 2nd instalment to the Iron Man franchise, after his and Robert Downey Jr’s first collaboration, which was up there with the best comic book adaptations yet, along with Nolan’s Batman series (obviously)

Number two is due out early May. Plus it has Mickey Rourke as a baddy (Whiplash). And for any other comic book geeks out there I reckon there’s a good chance of another piece to tie in with the up and coming Avengers film.

For those who didn’t see it here’s Samuel L. Jackson as his comic book counter-part, Nick Fury having a chat with Tony Stark at the end of Iron Man



Today I went to see Alice in wonderland, featuring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham carter, amongst others, whilst being directed by Tim Burton.

As you may imagine, coming from the mind of Burton, it’s a strange take on Alice, played by Mia Wasikowska, where Burton has somehow arranged the film around the big starring role of Depp as the Hatter. Unsurprisingly enough Depp portrays the semi-psychotic character very well, something he has become accustom to since playing parts such as Edward Scissorhands, Dr Gonzo and Captain Sparrow, but honestly it’s become a bit samey now. Much the same can be said of Ms Bonham-Carter, whilst being Burton’s partner he seems to be the sole giver of work to the actress who waltz’ through the film enjoyably enough, but in the same sense nothing spectacular.

For me however the stand out role was Mia Wasikowska as Alice, as an unknown to me she has shone through a formidably famous cast, including voice roles by Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry and Paul Whitehouse. It must also be said that the CGI used alongside the 3D version that I saw were incredible, making it easily comparable to Avatar in that sense.

I’d thoroughly recommend Burton’s vision of Alice in Wonderland, especially in 3D. It’s incredibly entertaining in spite of the somewhat confused story line, and if nothing else the visuals will have you spellbound.

Ideally I'd have the trailer embedded here, but Disney don't want me to. So follow this link instead if you fancy.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Students sex trade rise.

It has recently come to light through a study by Doctor Ron Roberts of Kingston University, that the amount of students who know someone in the sex industry has gone up to 25% from only 3% ten years ago. The study also found that 11% of students would consider escort work, whilst 16% of students would consider work in the sex industry.

It must be said whilst being a student, that I do not know of a single person in the sex trade, this may be down to being a first year and neither me nor the vast majority of my friends are employed in any way, and if a mate was an escort or lap dancer I doubt they’d be shouting it out too loud. Generally speaking I drift day to day and pub to pub sponging off my parents and delving deep into my overdraft. Employment in the sex trade had never even crossed my mind…until now that is.

Dr Roberts stated that high tuition fees had led students to work as erotic dancers and even driven them to internet pornography, I support Doc Roberts on this claim, just last week I had to buy a book for my course costing a little over £20, this equates to half of my food budget for the week or around 3 hours work in a restaurant, however turning to porn does seem a little drastic. One lad sends sex texts to earn his keep, this sound like a far more reasonable way to make money, especially as his reasoning was that the hours suited him better than bar work.

Dr Roberts stated that these finding were “worrying”, which to an extent one can agree with as the prospect of working as an escort does seem rather seedy, and could potentially lead to a more dangerous acts within the sex trade. On a final note it must be said that his study took place at one London University; Dr Roberts did say that his findings were typical of urban areas.